Friday, January 13, 2012

President Obama sings Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' (Viral Video)

U.S. President Barack Obama is singing a Lady Gaga song in this viral video which has amassed more than a million hits on Youtube, 3 days after it was posted.

Well, okay, President Obama is not actually "singing" the Gaga song, "Born This Way". The video is just a mash-up of clips of Obama's speaking appearances to create a sing-song delivery of the Gaga hit.

Check out the said "Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga" video below:

President Obama and Lady Gaga have met in at least two occasions before - during a fundraiser for the President last September and when Gaga spoke at the White House about bullying. Maybe the next time they meet, they can do a duet. :D

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