Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bagyong Sendong: Netizens furious over controversial Facebook comment

Bagyong Sendong: Controversial Facebook comment goes viral
A screen capture of a Facebook "wall post" from a certain Celine Acut is making the rounds on the social networking site right now. In the post, the Facebook user said the dead victims of Tropical Storm Sendong "better die this early." There is no use of living in poverty and hunger, she said.

"according to the news, almost all of the victims are poor families, so it's better that they all die this early... whats the point of living a life which is full of hunger. at least they are now resting with peace.. they are worthless, they are unproductive and thier lives has no value at all.. they are just making more problems to the society so as i sadi its better that they have died this early... they don't deserve a chance to live because they are poor, they are not VIP anyways... I even wish sendong to come back and flash away those remaining poor families over there.." the post reads.

The said Facebook post has been shared more than two thousand times as of this writing. It has also received more than a thousand of responses from angry netizens who lambasted the user and the rude commentary. Here are some of the comments:

"I agree with Garnet, the person who wrote these comments is in need of help. Mentally, Morally, Emotionally and Spiritually. I have no idea where they get this idea to make these types of statements. This type of statement makes me sad for this person and for their fate in days to come. We will forget these comments in time but this one will remain in this state unless a repentant heart is granted." - Tom William

"to Celine Acut.. If only you have seen our pitiful situation Im sure Your Iron heart will melt, IF NOT MELT IT IN THE DEEPEST PIT OF HELL TOGETHER WITH YOUR DECAYING SOUL. Just think if one of your love ones was caught in this tragedy how will you feel. I feel sorry for your love ones having the likes of you. GO TO HELL..." - Giacomo Estenzo

"wow! and you call yourself a human being? and you say they are 'useless to society'? Well let me tell you this YOU'RE USELESS TO SOCIETY NOT DOING ANYTHING! By criticizing this people who have nothing makes no less than them..you are not worth being called a person for you have disgraced the human heart. I hope you have just reflected on how worthless and low you are." - Maia Lucagbo

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